ADNET31R.ZIP 25,592 09-17-94 ADDnet v3.1 Std, adds net calls to T.A.G. bbsSoftware's Last few callers field and tocompatible Newlog Callers log. TotallyConfigurable!
BW305TAG.ZIP 328,728 09-26-94 The Blue Wave Offline Mail Door/T.A.G. v3.05.This version of the mail door is compatiblewith T.A.G. v2.7 only. The best offline maildoor in the world is now available for
CBVTAG44.ZIP 195,442 10-15-94 update to TAG Callback verifier, now supportsJAM,RA Email
CHATTN10.ZIP 49,004 11-24-94 Chat Tune Editor/Composer for T.A.G.
FIXFILE9.ZIP 16,305 09-19-94 Update to .DIR file updating program (muchfaster now)
JAMPACK5.ZIP 62,371 12-10-94 JAMPACK - JAM Message base maintenanceprogram for T.A.G. BBS. Uses a backup of yourMBOARDS.DAT for information. Has aconfiguration editor to edit number of daysand max amount of messages to keep in eacharea.
MATE116S.ZIP 119,825 10-04-94 [TNTSoft] TAGMate v1.16 Standard
TAGD100S.ZIP 14,676 10-04-94 [TNTSoft] TAG Developer's Kit v1.00 Standard(Turbo Pascal)
TAGL1294.ZIP 40,491 12-18-94 T.A.G. International BBS List (12/94)